On 27th March 2021 Tamar Mission Nepal’s first volunteer recruitment program went so well. Nine Churches and 3 Bible colleges sent their young people to participate in this program.

Total participants were 52 individuals, including 22 sisters and 30 brothers. Out of 52 participants’ 35 individuals (17 sisters and 18 brothers) committed to serving as volunteers with Tamar Mission Nepal. 

The session started at 4:00 pm sharp with an opening song by sister field coordinator Shima Tamang and team. Field coordinator Sister Sabeena Magarati took the responsibility for the registration and Vice-president Brother Krishna Bdr Waiba took the responsibility for travel, camera, and guests. Brother James Waiba led the session with an opening prayer and welcome speech.

Then, Shima Tamang took 10 min for worship after that TMN’s President introduced TMN. Sister Shima Tamang shared her experience as a volunteer with TMN. Then brother Dinesh sang a song. After this song, President Daniyal Waiba preached on the main theme “Participation in God’s liberating act.

After preaching Daniyal challenged young participants to take part in TMN’s work to rescue and to share the gospel to sex workers and vulnerable sisters. At the same time volunteer’s form was distributed. At sharp 5:30 pm, Waiba called all to pray for Nepali sisters those who are oppressed and trafficked.

With this prayer, the session was closed and participants filled the form and took part in snacks and by 6 we all left venue. We Tamar Mission Nepal team heartedly thank you all participants and our partners.



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